Migration Manager Guide
Wir empfehlen Ihnen dringend, eine Migration nur mit der Unterstützung und in Rücksprache mit dem Audicon Cloud Consulting durchzuführen. Bitte beachten Sie, dieses Tool liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor.
Table of Contents
The Migration Manager is an administrative tool that helps you simply and securely migrate large quantities of client data; such as entities, staff, and Working Papers files, to CaseWare Cloud.
Organizations who want to use the Migration Manager must contact CaseWare Support (support@caseware.com) with the following information:
- Intended migration date(s)
- Size of active client data
- Size of inactive client data
- Number of files to migrate (current and prior year)
- Number of users
- Number of templates in use
- Custom metadata captured per template
- Type of security in Working Papers files
Additionally, organization's must confirm that they will not attempt to migrate files that have been associated with a different organization.
Installation Requirements
Your organization must meet the following requirements when installing the Migration Manager:
- The organization must be using Working Papers 2018.00.196R4 or later.
- The Migration Manager must be installed on the file server or SmartSync Server.
- An administrator must operate the Migration Manager on behalf of the organization (administrative privileges are required).
- Client details from a CRM must be exported to ASCII (.csv) format. See Upload Entities for more information.
Best Practices
We recommend the following practices when using the Migration Manager:
- Validate the health of your files prior to migration. See File Validation for more information.
- Where possible, ensure that the Engagement Properties in your files contain as much information as possible to assist in the auto-map process. See Upload Entities for more information.
- To reduce upload times, you can compress all parent files prior to migration. Ensure you include all subfolders during compression.
- Back up all parent files prior to migration. The original files on your server will be migrated to CaseWare Cloud.
- Run only one instance of the Migration Manager at a time. Multiple instances will not speed up the processing time and can affect performance on Cloud.
- Self-hosted SmartSync Servers should be restarted after a migration to clear the Working Papers file list. If you migrate your client data in stages, restart the server after each stage.
As part of the migration process, end users do not have to delete their sync copies. If you have updated to Working Papers 2018 Update 1, existing sync copies will automatically detect the new parent location on Cloud.Users who have not updated to Working Papers 2018 Update 1 or later must manually redirect their sync copies to the parent on Cloud.
To manually redirect local sync copies:
- Open Working Papers.
- On the ribbon, click File | Open | SmartSync Server.
- In the search field, enter the name of the file to redirect.
- Double-click the file. In the prompt to open an existing file, click Yes.
The local sync copy is redirected to the parent on Cloud.
Estimated Migration Time
To help you schedule your migration for minimal disruption, see the following migration time estimates:
Number of Files | File Size | Custom Metadata | Compressed | Total Size Uploaded | Time |
7915 | 54 MB | Yes | Yes | 425 GB | 39 Hours |
1549 | 211 MB | No | Yes | 325 GB | 24 Hours |
1451 | 211 MB | No | Yes | 305 GB | 20 Hours |
3000 | 211 MB | No | Yes | 630 GB | 43.5 Hours |
1000 | 211 MB | No | Yes | 210 GB | 13 Hours |
Note: These estimates were created using a controlled environment. Actual migration time may differ.
To reduce migration time, you can complete the following:
- Compress all parent files, including subfolders
- Delete unnecessary sync copies
- Clear synchronization information for archived files
- Upload entities and staff in advance of the file migration
You can upload entities and staff in advance of the file migration. Depending on the quantity and size of the files you are migrating, you may need to complete the migration over a period of several weekends. A .csv file is generated when mapping files to help segment the files.
File Validation
File validation helps you determine whether your organization's files are ready for migration to CaseWare Cloud. Some common issues that can cause a file to fail validation include:
- File corruption
- File validation is performed on a sync copy rather than a parent file
- File name includes unicode characters
- File version is older than Working Papers 2011
- Subfolders were not included in a compressed file
When you initiate the Migrate Files process, a validation is automatically performed; however, we strongly suggest that you perform a validation prior to migration so that you can resolve any issues in advance.
To perform a file validation:
- Open the Migration Manager.
- On the main menu, click Validate Files.
- In the field, click the folder icon and navigate to the root folder path of the files to validate. Click Select Folder.
- Click VALIDATE to begin validation. Details of the validation process display in the Progress Report.
When validation is complete, a log file containing validation details is generated at the location specified in the results. Click the link provided to view the log. Click CLOSE to return to the main menu.
Connect to Cloud
To migrate your client data, you must first connect the Migration Manager to your CaseWare Cloud account where the data will be uploaded.
To connect the Migration Manager to CaseWare Cloud:
- Open the Migration Manager.
- On the main menu, click LOG IN.
In the Server field, enter your Cloud URL. Click LOG IN.
Note: You do not need to include http:// or https:// in the URL.
- The CaseWare Cloud Login dialog displays. Enter your administrator email and password. Click Sign In.
After logging in to your CaseWare Cloud account, the current server and user details are displayed at the top of the main menu. Click the back arrow to return to the main menu.
Upload Entities
You can upload entities to CaseWare Cloud from a .csv file. When preparing the .csv file, each entity must have an entity name and number at minimum. We suggest that you also include Engagement Properties such as the client name, operating name, client number, and website, to improve the result when auto-mapping the files to Cloud entities.
To upload entities from a .csv file:
- On the main menu, click Upload Entities.
- CaseWare Cloud opens to the Import Entities dialog. Select the appropriate options for the import.
- Click Import from CSV and browse for your .csv file, or copy and paste the content from your .csv file into the field. Click Next.
- The entity data displays in the view. Assign the applicable heading for each column. Columns with the Ignore heading will not be uploaded. Click Import.
The entities are uploaded to CaseWare Cloud. You can view a list of available entities by clicking Entities in the Cloud menu. Close the Import Entities dialog to return to the main menu.
Upload Staff
You can upload staff to CaseWare Cloud from a shared data store, a .csv file, or from a data store export file. Each staff member must have a first name, last name, and email address to be uploaded. Staff will receive a registration email for CaseWare Cloud from donotreply@casewarecloud.com after the upload is complete. We suggest whitelisting the email address to prevent your spam filters from blocking the email.
Note: You cannot upload staff with duplicate email addresses, or email addresses containing special characters.
To upload staff from a shared data store:
- On the main menu, click Upload Staff.
- In the .cwc file field, click the file icon and navigate to the location of the connection (.cwc) file. Select the connection file and click Open.
- Click UPLOAD. A login dialog displays requesting administrator credentials for the shared data store. Enter the credentials and click OK to begin the upload.
The upload results are displayed. A log file containing upload details is generated at the location specified in the results. Click the link provided to view the log. Click CLOSE to return to the main menu.
To upload staff from a .csv file:
- On the main menu, click Upload Staff.
- Next to the CSV file upload option, click UPLOAD.
- CaseWare Cloud opens to the Staff app. Click New | Import | Staff.
- The Import Staff dialog displays. Click Import from CSV and browse for your .csv file, or copy and paste the content from your .csv file into the field. Click Next.
- Assign the applicable heading for each column. Columns with the Ignore heading will not be uploaded. Click Import.
The upload results are displayed. You can view the uploaded staff in the Staff list. Close the CaseWare Cloud window to return to the main menu.
To upload staff from a data store export file:
- On the main menu, click Upload Staff.
- Next to the DSAT upload option, click UPLOAD.
- CaseWare Cloud opens to the Working Papers Security Import dialog.
- Click Select Files to browse for the export file or drag and drop the file into the dialog.
- The Import Staff and Groups dialog displays with a list of staff, staff groups and roles to upload. Click Import to proceed.
The uploaded roles now display in the Working Papers Security list. You can view the uploaded staff and groups by clicking Staff and Groups in the Cloud menu respectively. Close the CaseWare Cloud window to return to the main menu.
Map Files
Before you can migrate your Working Papers files to CaseWare Cloud, you must map each file to a Cloud entity. The Migration Manager will attempt to auto-map the Working Papers files using entity properties; however, administrators will have an opportunity to review, modify and remap the files if required.
To map files to entities:
- On the main menu, click Map Files.
- In the field, click the folder icon and navigate to the root folder path of the files to map. Click Select Folder.
- Click AUTOMAP to begin the auto-mapping process. A list displays with the path of each file and their proposed entities.
For any unmapped files or to remap a file to a different entity, check the box next to each file and click MAP. The Entities dialog displays. Select the applicable entity, then click Apply. Repeat this process as required until all Working Papers files are mapped to an entity.
Note: Click MAP ALL to map all remaining unmapped files to a specified entity. Mapped files will not be changed.
A .csv file named CWCloudMigrationMng is generated in the folder containing the mapped files. This file contains the mapping configuration to use when migrating files. If you need to migrate files in stages, refer to this .csv file for the applicable range to migrate. When you've finished confirming the mapping, click CLOSE to return to the main menu.
Migrate Files
After you've mapped your Working Papers files to the relevant entities in Cloud, you can begin the migration. We strongly recommend backing up any Working Papers files prior to the migration, as they will be deleted from their original location after migration has completed.
- Files that fail validation will not be migrated.
- Uncompressed files will be compressed during migration. You can reduce upload times by compressed your files in advance.
- If any of a file's documents are open, it will fail migration.
- All documents and subfolders in the same directory as the Working Papers file will be deleted. To migrate a file with subfolders, you must compress the file in Working Papers and select Include all subfolders prior to migration.
To migrate files using a .csv file:
- On the main menu, click Migrate Files.
- In the field, click the document icon and navigate to the CWCloudMigrationMng.csv file created when mapping files. Select the .csv file and click Open.
- If you only want to migrate a specific range of files listed in the .csv file, you can enter the range by setting the first and last line numbers of the range in the Migrate files fields.
- Click MIGRATE to begin migration. Details of the process will display in the Progress Report.
When the migration is complete, a log file containing migration details is generated at the location specified in the results. Click the link provided to view the log. Click CLOSE to return to the main menu.