Aus Sage 50 Accounts importieren
You can import the trial balance and general ledger detail from Sage 50 Accounting to your Working Papers file. The import method differs depending on the version of Sage 50 Accounting you are using. For a list of supported Sage 50 Accounting versions, see the Software import index.
Import from Sage 50 Accounting (Canada)
Sage 50 Accounting (Canada) is formerly known as Simply Accounting. The import process is also applicable to Simply Accounting software.
Before you can proceed, you must complete the following prerequisites:
- Install either Sage 50 Accounting (Canada) or the Sage 50 Connection Manager utility from MyCaseWare. You must have one of these applications to perform the import; however, do not install both.
- If you are importing data from a version older than 2008, install the DAO import update.
- If the file is protected, you must have the Import group right.
To import from Sage 50 Accounting (Canada):
- Versichern Sie sich, dass Sie alle notwendigen Importvoraussetzungen erfüllt haben, bevor Sie fortfahren.
- On the ribbon, click Engagement | Import | Accounting Software. The Import - Accounting Software dialog displays.
- In the Import From drop-down menu, select Sage 50 Accounting CDN Edition (Simply).
- In the Version drop-down menu, select the version of Sage 50 Accounting (Canada) that is installed on your workstation, or the version of the files you are importing.
- In the Import Path field, click Browse.... Navigate to the Sage 50 Accounting (Canada) folder where the client data is located and click Select Folder.
- In the Import Components group, select either Trial Balance (Opening Entries) or General Ledger Detail to specify the data to import.
- If applicable, select Import Client Information to copy client information into the Engagement Properties of your Working Papers file.
Complete any other options as required.
Option Beschreibung Mandanten ID Select the name of the client to import. Budgetdaten Select to include budget data in the import. Aktuelles Jahr importieren Select to include current year balances in the import. Import prior year as current Select to import the prior year from Sage 50 Accounting as the current year in the Working Papers file. Note that this will not populate the Working Papers file with prior year information. Vorjahressalden importieren Select to include the comparative balance in the import. GIFI-Daten überspringen Select to exclude GIFI code numbers from the import. Vorzeichenfeld beim Import aktualisieren Select to update the existing accounts' Sign field with imported data. Als Jahresdatei importieren Select to import data as a yearly file. Projekt verw., um Einheit zu erstellen Select to use the project to built entities. Abt. verw., um Einheit zu erstellen Select to use imported department/division codes to build entities. Kontonummer und Abteilungscode &verbinden Select to merge the account numbers and department codes. For example, the imported account will become XXXX.001, where XXXX is the account number and 001 is the department code. In this case, no sub-entity is created. If you need to create sub-entities, do not select this option. Einheit für konsolidiertes Unternehmen erstellen Select to build an entity for a consolidated company during the import. Journal Abschlussbuchungen als Transaktionen importieren Select to import closing journals as transactions. User ID / Password Enter login credentials with access to the Sage 50 Accounting client database. This is often the sysadmin. Click OK.
Die Daten werden in Ihre CaseWare Datei importiert.
Import from Sage 50 Accounting (USA)
Sage 50 Accounting (USA) is formerly known as Peachtree. The import process is also applicable to Peachtree software.
Before you can proceed, you must complete the following prerequisites:
- Install Pervasive SQL version v9.1 or later.
- Remove the read-only attribute from all files in the client data folder (right-click the files, click Properties | General, then deselect Read-only).
- If the file is protected, you must have the Import group right.
To import from Sage 50 Accounting (USA):
- Versichern Sie sich, dass Sie alle notwendigen Importvoraussetzungen erfüllt haben, bevor Sie fortfahren.
- On the ribbon, click Engagement | Import | Accounting Software. The Import - Accounting Software dialog displays.
- In the Import From drop-down menu, select Sage 50 Accounting (Peachtree-WIN).
- In the Version drop-down menu, select the version of Sage 50 Accounting (USA) that is installed on your workstation.
- In the Import Path field, click Browse.... Navigate to the Sage 50 Accounting (USA) folder where the client data is located and click Select Folder.
- In the Import Components group, select either Trial Balance (Opening Entries) or General Ledger Detail to specify the data to import.
- If applicable, select Import Client Information to copy client information into the Engagement Properties of your Working Papers file.
Complete any other options as required.
Option Beschreibung Vorjahresdaten Select to include prior year balances in the import. Note that any existing prior year data will be overwritten. Period 1 to 12 as current year Select to import Period 1 to 12 from Sage 50 Accounting (USA) as the current year in Working Papers. If you do not select this option, the current fiscal period is used. Period Balance Select to include period balances in the import, rather than year-to-date numbers. Retained Earnings a/c no. Enter the account number associated with the retained earnings. If this field is left blank, it will automatically search the data files for the account. Date Format used Select the date format to use during the import. By default, the regional settings on your workstation are used. Click OK.
Die Daten werden in Ihre CaseWare Datei importiert.