Sie befinden sich hier: Hilfethemen > Engagements > Importieren > Aus QuickBooks importieren

Aus QuickBooks importieren

You can import the trial balance and general ledger detail from QuickBooks to your Working Papers file. The import method differs depending on the version of QuickBooks you are using. For a list of supported QuickBooks versions, see the Software import index.


  • Imports will fail if you have more than one version of QuickBooks installed on your workstation. We suggest removing older copies of QuickBooks if they are not required.
  • Due to country variations in QuickBooks, some versions include a country designation as part of the version number. If there is not a separate country version listed, assume the version number applies to all countries.

Import from QuickBooks Online

Import your accounting data from QuickBooks Online by exporting it as a .cwq file, then importing the file into Working Papers.

Before you can proceed, you must complete the following prerequisites:

To import from QuickBooks Online:

  1. Versichern Sie sich, dass Sie alle notwendigen Importvoraussetzungen erfüllt haben, bevor Sie fortfahren.
  2. Log into your QuickBooks Online account and open the company file that you want to import into Working Papers.
  3. Open the QuickBooks Export Utility.

    • In the QuickBooks Version drop-down menu, select QuickBooks Online.
    • ​In the Export Path field, click Browse.... In the Browse For Folder dialog, navigate to the location on your workstation where you want to create the export file. Click OK.
    • Select Specify last transaction date and enter the applicable date.
    • In the Accounting method drop-down menu, select the applicable accrual method.

    Click Export. The accounting data from the QuickBooks Online file is exported to a .cwq file format in the specified location.

  4. Open Working Papers, then open the Working Papers file where you want to import the accounting data.
  5. On the ribbon, click Engagement | Import | Accounting Software.... Der Dialog Import-Finanzbuchhaltung wird angezeigt.

    • In the Import From drop-down menu, select QuickBooks.
    • In the Version drop-down menu, select QuickBooks Online.
    • In the Import Path field, click Browse.... Navigate to the folder where you exported the .cwq file and click Select Folder.
    • In the Import Components group, select either Trial Balance (Opening Entries) or General Ledger Detail to specify the data to import.
    • If applicable, select Import Client Information to copy client information into the Engagement Properties of your Working Papers file.
    • In the Select Client ID file drop-down menu, select the company file that you want to import.
  6. Complete any other options as required.

    Option Beschreibung
    Dateierweiterung Select the applicable file extension (.qbw, .qba, .cwq) for the file that you want to import.
    Accounting year Enter the accounting year of the imported file if it is different from the current year. If the accounting year spans across multiple years, type the year end date.
    Periode Select the period date sequence to set for the file.
    Vorjahresdaten Select to include prior year balances in the import. Note that any existing prior year data will be overwritten.
    Budgetdaten Select to include budget data in the import.
    Import inactive accounts Select to include inactive accounts and transactions in the import.
    Show all subaccts in acctno. Select to include sub-account numbers from QuickBooks in the import.
    Use class to build entity structure Select to import classes set up in QuickBooks as entities in the Working Papers file. The chart of accounts will have the structure of an internally consolidated file with each class appearing as a sub-entity of the consolidated file.
    Steuerschlüssel Select to include the tax codes that were assigned to QuickBooks accounts. Imported tax codes will automatically match to a tax code in the Working Papers database.
    Import Account Name into Extended Description Select to import QuickBooks account names into the extended description of the account in Working Papers. This option ensures that account names longer than 50-characters are stored in the account's information, as the name will be truncated upon import into Working Papers.
    GIFI Select to include GIFI codes in the import.

    Click OK.

Die Daten werden in Ihre CaseWare Datei importiert.

Import from QuickBooks Canada / UK / Australia

Import your accounting data from QuickBooks Canada, UK, or Australia by exporting it as a .cwq file, then importing the file into Working Papers.

Before you can proceed, you must complete the following prerequisites:

  • Install an applicable version of QuickBooks on your workstation.
  • Install the QuickBooks Export Utility on your workstation. You can download it from MyCaseWare on the Support Downloads page.
  • In QuickBooks, you must permit the QuickBooks Export Utility access to the file. On the ribbon, click Edit | Preferences... | Integrated Applications | Company Preferences and deselect Don't allow any applications to access this company file.
  • If the file is protected, you must have the Import group right.

To import from QuickBooks Canada / UK / Australia:

  1. Versichern Sie sich, dass Sie alle notwendigen Importvoraussetzungen erfüllt haben, bevor Sie fortfahren.
  2. In QuickBooks, open the company file that you want to import into Working Papers.
  3. On the ribbon, click Edit | Preferences... | Reports & Graphs | Company Preferences. In the REPORTS - SHOW ACCOUNTS BY group, select Name only. Click OK.
  4. Open the QuickBooks Export Utility.

    • In the QuickBooks Version drop-down menu, select the version of QuickBooks that is installed on your workstation.
    • ​In the Export Path field, click Browse.... In the Browse For Folder dialog, navigate to the location on your workstation where you want to create the export file. Click OK.
    • Select Specify last transaction date and enter the applicable date.
    • In the Accounting method drop-down menu, select the applicable accrual method.

    Click Export. The accounting data from the QuickBooks file is exported to a .cwq file format in the specified location.

  5. Open Working Papers, then open the Working Papers file where you want to import the accounting data.
  6. On the ribbon, click Engagement | Import | Accounting Software.... Der Dialog Import-Finanzbuchhaltung wird angezeigt.

    • In the Import From drop-down menu, select QuickBooks.
    • In the Version drop-down menu, select the version of QuickBooks that is installed on your workstation.
    • In the Import Path field, click Browse.... Navigate to the folder where you exported the .cwq file and click Select Folder.
    • In the Import Components group, select either Trial Balance (Opening Entries) or General Ledger Detail to specify the data to import.
    • If applicable, select Import Client Information to copy client information into the Engagement Properties of your Working Papers file.
    • In the Select Client ID file drop-down menu, select the company file that you want to import.
  7. Complete any other options as required.

    Option Beschreibung
    Dateierweiterung Select the applicable file extension (.qbw, .qba, .cwq) for the file that you want to import.
    Accounting year Enter the accounting year of the imported file if it is different from the current year. If the accounting year spans across multiple years, type the year end date.
    Periode Select the period date sequence to set for the file.
    Vorjahresdaten Select to include prior year balances in the import. Note that any existing prior year data will be overwritten.
    Budgetdaten Select to include budget data in the import.
    Import inactive accounts Select to include inactive accounts and transactions in the import.
    Show all subaccts in acctno. Select to include sub-account numbers from QuickBooks in the import.
    Use class to build entity structure Select to import classes set up in QuickBooks as entities in the Working Papers file. The chart of accounts will have the structure of an internally consolidated file with each class appearing as a sub-entity of the consolidated file.
    Steuerschlüssel Select to include the tax codes that were assigned to QuickBooks accounts. Imported tax codes will automatically match to a tax code in the Working Papers database.
    Import Account Name into Extended Description Select to import QuickBooks account names into the extended description of the account in Working Papers. This option ensures that account names longer than 50-characters are stored in the account's information, as the name will be truncated upon import into Working Papers.
    GIFI Select to include GIFI codes in the import.

    Click OK.

Die Daten werden in Ihre CaseWare Datei importiert.

Import from QuickBooks USA

Import your accounting data from QuickBooks USA by exporting it to a QuickBooks Online file, then importing the file into Working Papers.

Before you can proceed, you must complete the following prerequisites:

  • Install an applicable version of QuickBooks on your workstation.
  • If the file is protected, you must have the Import group right.

To import from QuickBooks USA:

  1. Versichern Sie sich, dass Sie alle notwendigen Importvoraussetzungen erfüllt haben, bevor Sie fortfahren.
  2. In QuickBooks, open the company file that you want to import into Working Papers.
  3. On the ribbon, click File | Utilities | Copy Company File for QuickBooks Online.... If prompted to close any open windows, click OK.
  4. In the Save Exported Company file to... dialog, navigate to the location on your workstation where you want to create the QuickBooks Online file. Click Save. The QuickBooks Online file is saved in the specified location. Click OK.
  5. Open Working Papers, then open the Working Papers file where you want to import the accounting data.
  6. On the ribbon, click Engagement | Import | Accounting Software.... Der Dialog Import-Finanzbuchhaltung wird angezeigt.

    • In the Import From drop-down menu, select QuickBooks.
    • In the Version drop-down menu, select the version of QuickBooks that is installed on your workstation.
    • In the Import Path field, click Browse.... Navigate to the folder where you exported the QuickBooks Online file and click Select Folder.
    • In the Import Components group, select either Trial Balance (Opening Entries) or General Ledger Detail to specify the data to import.
    • If applicable, select Import Client Information to copy client information into the Engagement Properties of your Working Papers file.
    • In the Select Client ID file drop-down menu, select the company file that you want to import.
  7. Complete any other options as required.

    Option Beschreibung
    Dateierweiterung Select the applicable file extension (.qbw, .qba, .cwq) for the file that you want to import.
    Accounting year Enter the accounting year of the imported file if it is different from the current year. If the accounting year spans across multiple years, type the year end date.
    Periode Select the period date sequence to set for the file.
    Vorjahresdaten Select to include prior year balances in the import. Note that any existing prior year data will be overwritten.
    Budgetdaten Select to include budget data in the import.
    Import inactive accounts Select to include inactive accounts and transactions in the import.
    Show all subaccts in acctno. Select to include sub-account numbers from QuickBooks in the import.
    Use class to build entity structure Select to import classes set up in QuickBooks as entities in the Working Papers file. The chart of accounts will have the structure of an internally consolidated file with each class appearing as a sub-entity of the consolidated file.
    Steuerschlüssel Select to include the tax codes that were assigned to QuickBooks accounts. Imported tax codes will automatically match to a tax code in the Working Papers database.
    Import Account Name into Extended Description Select to import QuickBooks account names into the extended description of the account in Working Papers. This option ensures that account names longer than 50-characters are stored in the account's information, as the name will be truncated upon import into Working Papers.
    GIFI Select to include GIFI codes in the import.

    Click OK.

Die Daten werden in Ihre CaseWare Datei importiert.