Sie befinden sich hier: Hilfethemen > Engagements > Importieren > Aus Engagement CS importieren

Aus Engagement CS importieren

You can import client data from Engagement CS to your Working Papers file. For a list of supported versions, see the Software import index.

Before you can proceed, you must complete the following prerequisites:

  • Download and install the DAO import update.
  • If the client file you want to import is compressed (file extension .WSZ), open it in Engagement CS to automatically uncompress it to a .WSW file.
  • If the file is protected, you must have the Import group right.

To import from Engagement CS:

  1. Versichern Sie sich, dass Sie alle notwendigen Importvoraussetzungen erfüllt haben, bevor Sie fortfahren.
  2. On the ribbon, click Engagement | Import | Working Paper Software. Der Dialog Import Arbeitspapiersoftware wird angezeigt.
  3. In the Convert From drop-down menu, select Engagement CS.
  4. In the Version drop-down menu, select the default version range.
  5. In the Convert Path field, click Browse.... Navigate to the folder where the .WSW client file is located and click Select Folder.
  6. If applicable, select Import Client Information to copy client information into the Engagement Properties of your Working Papers file.
  7. In the Select Client ID file (*.wsw) drop-down menu, select the client file that you want to import.
  8. Complete any other options as required.

    Option Beschreibung
    Import group data Select to include group data in the import.
    Include subgroup data in acct. grouping Select to include subgroup data from the accounting group in the import.
    Include adj/reclass/tax entries Select to include adjusting, reclassifying and tax entries in the import.
    Kontenfortschreibung Select to include GL detail in the import.
    Period Balance Select to include period balances in the import, rather than year-to-date numbers.
    Vorjahresdaten Select to include prior year balances in the import. Note that any existing prior year data will be overwritten.
    4-digit year (default current) Enter the 4-digit year of the imported file.
    Include Files Select to include Word, Excel and PDF documents in the import.

    Click OK.

Die Daten werden in Ihre CaseWare Datei importiert.