Creating new authorization roles for SAP® standard components
The role described below is tested for release SAP® R/3 4.6C, SAP® R/3 Enterprise 4.7, mySAP ERP 2004 and SAP® ERP 6.0.
Please call the transaction PFCG and specify a role name (e.g. Z_SE_STANDARD). Then select Single Role.
Figure: Define an authorization role
Please refer to the information displayed in the figures and steps below to define the corresponding setting for the new role.
In the Role field enter the name "Z_SE_STANDARD" and in the Description field (optional) enter for example "SmartExporter end user - authorizations".
Figure: Description for authorization role
Click the Save
icon to save the role.
Switch to the Authorizations tab and click the Propose Profile Names icon.
Figure: Propose profile names
A profile name and the corresponding text will be shown.
Figure: Generated profile name and authorization role
Accept the suggested entries by clicking the Save