Reserved words for file name
By default the file name is built from a prefix and the table name or join name. The extension depends on the file format selected in the Data Request. Standard extensions are “.CSV” for columns with delimiters, “.TXT” for fixed length, “.SAP” for the SAP® AIS Format. The “.LOG”, “.REQ” and “.XML” extensions are used for additionally generated files.
If supported by the storage location, the file name can be generated dynamically using placeholders.
Valid placeholders | |
SAP® system ID |
<HOST> |
Hostname of SAP® application server |
SAP® client |
SAP® user |
<DATE> |
Date in the format YYYYMMDD |
<YEAR> |
Year in the format YYYY |
Year in the format YY |
Month |
<DAY> |
Day |
<TIME> |
Time in the format HHMMSS |
Time in the format HHMM |
SAP® logon language |
<EXT> |
Standard extension for the selected file format. |
Unique four-digit number that is assigned to each table and join and that is issued in the order of extraction. For Data Requests of the Additional Data Sources directDART and Report the order may differ due to dependencies of the tables or joins. |
Table name, for joins the name of the base table |
Table name, for joins the name of the join |
The Data Request name that was entered in the “Introduction” step of the assistant. Please note that this may result in a very long file name. |
The Data Request name up to the first space character, but no more than a maximum of 16 characters. |
Instead of the standard name "20190603105521_AC6_BKPF.CSV” for a file with column delimiters this generates a file with the name "0001_BKPF.CSV".
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